

  • Opening Hours

    Events and activities page you find opening days and times. Slopes open: TI 17.00-20.00 PE 17.00-20.00 LA 11.00-16.00 SU... lue lisää

Events and opening hours

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See Events and Activities

Cross-country ski trails and recreational trails

The cross-country ski trails at Ritavalkea offer good possibilities for the skier. In the area there are 1, 3 and 5 km tracks with lights, that lifts both the condition and spirit.
Salmilompolo’s 30 km trail follows a beautiful forest landscape, and Ritavalkea can be chosen
as starting point.

The recreational trails at Ritavalkea brings you to interesting viewpoints with landscapes that renew both body and mind.


Ski Slopes and Beach

The ski slopes are located close to the center of Pello. Ritavalkea has a total of five slopes 800–1000 m long and a height difference of 120 m. There is also a Snow park and children’s slope at the ski center.

Pello municipality’s official beach is at Ritavalkea. The beach is well suited for families with children and those leaning to swim, as the water by the beach is shallow. There is car parking in front of the beach.